Flight Training
Have you always dreamed of becoming a Helicopter Pilot?
We offer training to get you from zero hours to a job in aviation in our Part 61 flight school. If you are interested in adding a helicopter rating, we can also help you achieve that goal!
Contact us today to schedule an introductory flight or to start your training!
The general progression of training is:
Private Pilot - Rotorcraft
Instrument - Helicopter
Commercial Pilot - Rotorcraft
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) - Rotorcraft
Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument Helicopter (CFII)
Following this course will ensure you have all the training you need to be successful as a Commercial Helicopter Pilot. Below is a description of what will be learned throughout each phase of training.
If you have any further questions, see our FAQ page.
R44 (4 seats): $625 / hour
Including instructor and fuel
Weight Limit: 300
Introductory Flight: $325 for 30 minutes
R22 (2 Seats): $355 / hour
Including instructor and fuel
Weight Limit: 220
Introductory Flight: $200 for 30 minutes
The cost of training can vary for everyone due to the amount of hours it takes an individual. Block Rates are available to help reduce costs. The larger the block, the more savings we are able to offer.
Private Pilot
The private pilot course develops your skills as a pilot and teaches good risk management techniques. Throughout this time you will learn how to physically fly the helicopter, ranging from hovering to Emergency procedures. With our skilled and certified flight instructors, you will gain all of the experience you need. Beyond flying you will be taught everything else about aviation to take command of the skies. Your ground training will include topics such as airport and heliport operations, radio procedures, weather and navigation. The minimum hour requirement for a Private Pilot Certificate is 40 hours of ground training and 40 hours of flight training. Most people complete their training in 55-70 hours; however, since every student learns at his or her own pace we cannot guarantee a specific time-frame for completion.
Instrument Rating
The instrument course will refine your skills as a pilot. You will develop fine control over the aircraft and learn the techniques to fly in instrument conditions. While all of the training is done in simulated conditions, you will gain the certifications you need to get more advanced jobs in aviation. These jobs can range from EMS pilot to oil rig transportation in the Gulf. You will learn the skills to fly instrument approaches, fly in Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) conditions and refine your radio communication skills talking to air traffic control. The minimum hours are 24 hours, though many complete their training in 30-50 hours as there are many new skills required to fly in Instrument conditions.
Commercial Rating
This is where you learn the skills to fly for a living. We refine your skills acquired throughout your Private Pilot Training and broaden your understanding of the helicopter. Your ground training will help you understand why things happen in the helicopter, from aerodynamic to mechanical, and how to navigate regulations to keep you legal while being paid to fly. The time spent in the aircraft will introduce new maneuvers such as advanced auto rotations, more confined off airport landings, and help develop your skills and decision making processes. The time working on this rating can vary depending on the time spent acquiring the previous ratings. You will be required to have at least 150 hours as a Pilot.
Flight Instructor CFI
The most common first job in aviation is acting as a flight instructor. It is the best way to refine your skills as a pilot, through teaching. With this rating you are able to find many jobs locally and across the country. We teach you the required skills to teach other pilots, refine your skills further so you can be confident starting your career, as well as help you develop a wealth of resources for your future students. Beyond the standard requirements of Part 61, you will need at least 200 hours total to teach in Robinson R22’s and R44’s per the Special Federal Aviation Regulations (SFAR 73).
Flight Instructor - Instrument CFII
As with the Flight instructor rating, this will help refine your skills, but in the instrument environment. This will help you develop lessons for your students and be prepared to teach them all of the skills related to operating in instrument conditions as well as communicating with ATC. By teaching you will gain confidence and keep yourself proficient when it comes to getting your first job where an instrument rating is required.